This novel is based on an original manuscript written in old Asturian Spanish (circa 1075), a dialectic of Latin, and is being translated to Castilian Spanish (circa 1492) and modern day English.

It is based on historical facts and dreams of the Author as she has imagined the evolution and history of her small region of Northern Spain since approximately 40,000 BC to the present.

The novel has been written in such a unique form that the reader does not know if the places and events are real or the imagination of the Author.

Some parts of the novel may appear unrelated to the story being told but at the of end of the work the reader will be able to tie it all together and understand the reasons behind the return in history and the process of the so called "spiritual cleansing" known as "pasar el agua" (pass on water).

To many readers this is the most unique part of the novel, and find it to be fascinating since this events can be experienced both on the material and spiritual level and go far beyond our basic human understanding of reality as we know it. To some, it even answers questions related to metaphysics and other levels of communication between human beings, and understanding reality, by passing the limitations of time and space.

The reader finds himslf experiencing sensations unique to this novel. He becomes aware of those other so-called "dimensions" of reality which do in fact exist but have never really been explained, between the conscious and collective subconscious.

ASARIM is hypnotized and asked to go back in time. She begins describing in detail how she woke up in a cold dark cave. Then she remembers meeting a being called IESUS or IESUA. She also remembers when hundreds of Roman soldiers entered her peaceful fishing village called Llanes looking for enemies, and instead were greeted and welcomed by the local people and some decided to settle there.

Rome came to conquer Astur and Astorga and brought power, discipline, law, respect and a common language (Latin), but needed the love and warmth of these peaceful locals to survive.

Rome also brought information, advancements and architecture to help these people prosper.

Rome brought religion and information about a man (Iesua) who was crucified far far away (Pilate and Claudia Procula are both commemorated as saints on June 25), and details about how a Sacred Ark containing (among other relics) a vile (Holy Grail) and his blood stained turban or cloth that had covered his face (John 20:7) had come to Spain from Jerusalem.

This turban, cloth, napkin or Sudarium (John 20:7) (et sudarium quod fuerat super caput eius non cum linteaminibus positum sed separatim involutum in unum locum), would survive the Arab invasion of Spain in 711 by arriving from Toletum in a Sacred Ark, being hidden in the mountains (monte Monsacro) near Ovetao, and eventually ending up in the Cathedral of San Salvador where it could be seen until yesterday.

Unfortunately, last night a group of unknown armed men entered the Catheral by force and stole the Sacred Ark and Sudarium at gunpoint.

Who and why would they take it?

What information about the DNA and SR(Y) chromosome gene did the Sudarium hold for mankind?

Why has it been hidden and so secretly protected by the for over two thousand years?

What significance did the folded Sudarium have?

Why has ASARIM been hypnotized and interrogated?

Why has ASARIM said that IESUA had transparent skin?

Why has ASARIM said she met IESUA in the cave and knows where he and his people live now?

Find out at the end of ASARIM...

We hope you enjoy ASARIM and recommend it to your family and friends. It is a must for people wishing to have a better understanding of European culture, and specifically the people from Spain.

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